Why Vaccine Side Effects are Inevitable (but Benign)
I ran a marathon in October 2017.
The keystone part of the training was the weekly long run. Over the six months of training, my Saturday runs went from 5 to 20 miles.
That was painful. I discovered the joints/muscles in my body that I did even know existed. But I learned that if your muscles hurt, that was good. When you stress your muscles, the fibers begin to break down. As the fibers begin to repair themselves during recovery period, they become larger and stronger than they were before. As a result, you can run farther, longer and faster.
The short term muscle soreness is good for the long term health benefits.
That is also true for the vaccines side effects.
A vaccine with a weak virus or protein, no matter how efficacious and well-meaning, is a foreign object to our body and must be defended against. As a result of our body’s Napoleon-like attack-is-the-best-defense strategy, it produces hormones and chemicals which show up as soreness, muscle/joint pains, fever or fatigue depending on age, gender, health, and weight. But the memory of it all lingers in the body to protect us next time these uninvited guests show up.
Like muscle soreness during exercising, the side effects are temporary and immunity from that particular disease is long term, if not permanent.